HD SDI CCTV Cameras Dealers Using High Definition Video Cameras enhances the picture quality as the picture is displayed in 720p /1080p, The main idea being to present a better picture quality. When a Standard Definition screens are used to visualize the video of High definition the result many not be felt as the picture is squeezed to fit into the Standard definition. A picture in a Standard definition uses 480 pixels where as a High Definition uses 720 to 1080 pixels on the screen in turn presenting a better quality picture. Using High Definition cameras is always preferred as the conferences held are at most important and clarity of the picture as we can see the facial expressions of the participant whether he is angry, frowning or whether he is attentive or not while in the conference.
PTZ cameras: The usage of PTZ Video Conference Camera improves the functionality as it can be moved by a remote control or other interface (hardware or software), With the PAN(left to right) move ment we can view the participants from left to right, by using the Tilt( up and down) we can view up and down and the Video can also be Zoomed in and out by using Zoom option. We can as well use the feature to preprogramm to follow specific patterns to continuously monitor an area. These functionalities of the PTZ camera gives the organizing committee to have a closer and broader view of the conferencing. These cameras have automatic day and night function if the conference starts in the evening and extends to the evening of night the quality of the video is automatically adjusted. If the lighting is low due to any of the reasons there is nothing to worry as their cameras provide good color images in low light conditions and they produce good sharp black and white images in extremely poor lighting conditions